Fondation Guignard

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2022 — La Ferme des Tilleuls, Renens

Collossal d'Art Brut ORGANuGAMME II

The Foundation participates in the development of the Collossal d'Art Brut ORGANuGAMME by supporting an audio guide that describes Danielle Jacqui's monumental work which is installed on the Ferme des Tilleuls, in Renens.

“Paul Valéry considered that we (humanity as a whole, as well as each of us personally) were exposed to two threats: order and disorder. One immediately feels that The Colossal triumphs with an insolent freedom over orthogonal norms, over the obsessive right angle, over all those coordinates that frame our environment. The ceramic pieces have been grafted onto each other, from one to the next, organically, as exuberant as vegetation, as unpredictable and as justified as the foliage of a tree, following the liveliest principle of organisation there is: anarchy. The Colossal, on the other hand, triumphs over disorder, over chaos, that annoying dispersion which physics terms entropy. The Colossal also owes its vitality to the remarkable infrastructure designed by Jean-Gilles Décosterd, which acts like the letters of the alphabet, or the musical notes of a scale, or the string of a kite – one might think that it holds it back, but in fact it ensures its flight. Such is the paradox: all French literature, said Cocteau, is never more than an alphabet in disorder. The Colossal plays order and disorder against each other, and, conversely, the rigorous alveolar module as a revival of delirium. Thus, aesthetics lead to philosophy". Text by Michel Thévoz. Extract from a speech given at the inauguration of The Colossal

© Mario del Curto

© Mario del Curto

© Mario del Curto

© Mario del Curto

About the Colossal